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Can I cancel my order?
We are usually not able to change or cancel an order once it has been placed. However, we will make every effort to assist you. Please email if the order was placed within the last two business days or call +46 8 55 60 96 90.
However, if you are a consumer you may have a legal right to cancel your contract with us at any point from the time of dispatch until 14 days after you receive the equipment. See our Terms of Use for more information at
Do you accept returns?
As a consumer, you have the right to cancel your contract from the time of shipment up to 14 days after receipt of the goods. You can find more detailed information in our terms and conditions.
If the order is cancelled, the goods must be returned to our central warehouse in the Netherlands. Please email and enclose the order number with the shipment (or the original invoice, for example) so that we can assign your return.
You must bear the direct costs of the return even if it is a forwarding delivery. We would be happy to support you in commissioning a shipping company.
You must only pay for any loss in value of the goods if this loss in value is due to handling of the goods that is not necessary to check the nature, properties and functionality of the goods.
Can I add, remove or change products for an order that has already been submitted?
We are usually not able to change or cancel an order once it has been placed. However, we will make every effort to assist you. Please email days or call +46 8 55 60 96 90.However, if you are a consumer you may have a legal right to cancel your contract with us at any point from the time of dispatch until 14 days after you receive the equipment. See our Terms of Use for more information at
What is the returns policy and warranty provided on Les Mills Genuine Used goods?
Les Mills Used products are genuine but have been used previously at Les Mills live events. Products may show signs of wear such as scratches, scrapes, and/or scuffing, etc. – however, the product will be fit-for-purpose and perfect for using for Les Mills classes. Products are sold "As Is". All sales are final. Warranty and returns for change of mind will not be accepted.
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